Friday, December 2, 2011

Comparision of Hades, Pluto, and Osiris

Today I will compare Hades, Pluto, and Osiris.

  • Hades:Hades is the Greek god of the underworld. Unlike most of the other gods he does not live on Olympus. Coincidentally Hades lives in Hades, the land of the dead. His wife is Persephone, goddess of springtime. His symbol is the Helm of Darkness.
  • Pluto:Pluto is the roman god of the underworld. He is the same as Hades. His wife is Proserpina, daughter of Ceres and Jupiter. His father is Saturn.
  • Osiris: Osiris is the Egyptian god of the dead. He is the husband of Isis, the father of Horus, and the son of Ra. He was killed by Set then reincarnated as the god of the dead. Anubis is his helper.